Finished lighthouse scene

I wasn’t complett new to blender thanks to other free courses, but still i could learn something new already at the beginning! You are a really good teacher and i’m happy with the result how it turned out.

I read somewhere here that someone had in mind to put the lighthouse on the top of the hill, i also had it in mind, then i overthought and was like “Well why should be the villige next to the Waves? A lighthouse is safer there”. So i let it be on the downhills :smiley:


Welcome. Nice work and keep having fun.


Nicely done effective lighthouse island.


A good looking lighthouse scene. Well done!


When creating artistic scenes in paintings, drawing, and also 3D modeling. It’s best not to use you brain but search for references instead. It will create more realistic scenes.

  • A light house intended function is that it can be seen from far away. So higher the better, or lesser bricks to build it.
  • As a villager I would like to live near the sea for fishing or better access to the ships in the harbor

Have fun, and welcome.
So many new things to learn! Show your work and ask for help.


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