Finished Bishop

I scaled the pawn and then moved the loops to where I thought they should be. The top of the Bishop from the set I chose was very different. So I altered the top of the scaled pawn by removing vertices, creating new faces and moved them into a ‘V’ shape. Then I added a new cylinder for the inset section and subdivided the vertical edges. After that I had it looking pretty good.

BTW, while I was in edit mode and the object was "display as: Wire’ I was able to select even the hidden vertices while in lookdev mode. It sure make modeling easier to be able to see the imported image all of the time. :slight_smile:


Wireframe is handy!

Good looking Bishop but you will lose out on learning the Boolean cutting of a notch.

I practiced with the notch even though I am not going to have it in the final. I loved learning about using the wire frame while doing booleans so you can see the result as you are working on it.
I am going to try building the board again. When I choose the collection the objects do not get selected. I must have missed a step. :slight_smile:

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