Finish It course - is there no community section for it?

The FinishIt course is awesome, and when there’s a challenge to write something in the discussion, I’m not seeing any section in the community for that very course.

I commit that for the next 7 days, I will only promise to do something when I am 100% committed to actually doing it.

This has been a huge issue for me, of getting to a point where I cannot trust my own word, because I failed so many times at doing things that I told myself I would do. Probably because I try to make myself do too much, and underestimate the time and energy it takes to do certain things. Basically I’m too hard on myself. And I failed so many times at getting my to-do lists done.

So my strategy will be to use SMART goals and to be modest, only commit when it’s really clear what I want to do, I know how to do it, and it’s a SMALL task. I need to do that for a while and hopefully will regain trust in my word.

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