It took me around 30 seconds to find the landscape tools. I’ve noticed that menu item some time ago, while experimenting with other tools.
Is this something we could teach better?
Oh, I’m sorry, this is not what I meant. It’s the response to one of Ben’s challenges where he asks to respond in forums of how much did it take to find the menu. I find the course just amazing, and it’s really easy for me to learn and move forward. Actually, it gives me a lot of motivation when I receive some feedback here
I got it in 2-3 minutes, but I spent plenty more time playing around with it
Actually found it faster then I thought just didn’t know to hit the create button. I played with it for sometime as well!
The first thing I found back when I first started playing around in UE4. Never got the hang of how to use it properly. I’m glad we will be diving into it in the need lesson and I can stop being such a landscape noob.
Within the new Unreal, the landscape tools are pretty easily found. Took me a moment to figure out that is what Ben was asking. I figured I will comment here about my experience with finding the tools.
I found it in a matter of minutes because i noticed the icon .