Find Component Parents

Is there a way to find which actors have a specific component attached?
I tried right-clicking the component, then Reference Viewer, but that doesn’t seem to be what I’m looking for.

IF you want the components of an actor try AActor::GetComponents,
You can use it like GetComponents(TArrayYou’rePopulating)… then cycle through the components looking for the detailed one you want with a for loop, unless you just want all of them of that type. so like if you had a spider, and they had eight legs, GetComponents<Legs>(SpiderLegsOfBigTarantula). Also the Array you pass in is an out component, so it will be populated with any results, could still be null though.

[edit] Also found this a bit further down in the Unreal Course discord today:

shiver… I had to mention spiders…

Hi myrhillion, thanks so much for the help :).

Is there a way through the UE4 Editor (I’m sure there must be a way to do this in c++ too) to list all Actors that a component is connected to? But specifically doing this in the editor.
This could help in the process of deleting a component as in the course video.
So if you wanted to quickly remove the component from any parent actors in a project, before deleting the component itself.

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Yes there is. Add this line to your code -

UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *GetOwner())

And click play and open up the output log. The names that apper in there are the ones that have the component attached to them.

Missing ->GetName() :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oops! My programming is getting worse by the day by doing nothing at home… :pensive:

That’s great, thanks so much everyone :smile:

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