Final Lamp Rig | Sadly not my original concept

I began working on a steam punk styled mech lamp wok was coming along but due to complexity I found my self restarting as I encountered many errors and issues with processes along the way that were not salvagable.
Sadly the most recent one was when it came time to rig. I had forgotten to save almost all my transforms in the last restart and I could not get the rig to work without other parts of the mesh bending in ways it shouldn’t be, some pieces of a mesh bending on bones they weren’t parented to and all kinds of craziness.

I learned a lot from trying to make that but I did not wish to try and rebuild that lamp and remain on this particular section for any longer than I already have so this is the basic desk lamp I have switched to and adjusted my concept around.

While the lamp is more basic, I want to to still add something creative and do a fun spin on the animation I have it do.


Welcome back.
Nice looking lamp. Great job. You can ask any doubts or questions in ask section here.
Any way have fun!!

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After the first lessons learning Blender, we all think we can create beautiful, realistic scenes and movies. But the 3D-artist world is complex with many aspects to learn. It’s best practice to keep it simple and do the challenges as told. Deviation can give you an impulse in learning, but then you don’t learn the process but only some tricks. And working with Blender is all about learning the process, which comes first, and when to start the next step.

I know this feeling very well, it’s hard not to jump directly into details, because they are fun to do. Because they make it more visual. But all strength lies in the preparation and following a plan. That’s doing the challenge as told is important. it follows a plan (by the instructor).

Have fun, show your progress.

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