Final double aisle cathedral model

Hi all,
you really can lose yourself in a complicated model like a cathedral. Took a lot of time to get it this far. Started over a few times and switched to 2.8 beta when it was released. There are just 2 textures added; floor (so I could add some reflection) and glass texture. I want to import the model in Unreal so I will do the texturing there.
The images below are not renders but cropped screenshots from the lookdev viewport. Blender 2.8 really speeds up image production. The lookdev viewport is a great addition.

This is the top view of the cathedral:

Some more outside images:


Next some images of the interior:

InsideCorrected13 InsideCorrected14 InsideCorrected15

Last added 11 feb 2019: Added man-size bells in the belltower. Busy with texturing and adding new meshes.


Speechless !

How long do you think it took you?
Are you an actual Architect? :smile:

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I have to agree. That’s an amazing amount of work.

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I began in juli this year but started over in august. And the switch to 2.8 took some time as well. So that is about 6 months (parttime). It looks more work than it actually is because I used arrays and mirrors where ever I could. So it comes down to 6 buildingblocks. There is no artwork in it yet (colored glass, paintings, statues etc); that would take some more months I’m afraid.
I am not an architect but I did some research and visited cathedrals. Gothic cathedrals are of a beautifull design.

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Wow 6 months. Amazing…

I’m working on my own building too as you can see my thread, 10 days in…
Knowing how long it took you, think I’ll stop it as a Church :laughing:

I’m also working with Array and Mirrors. But in any case is a lot of work it’s a pain to have to think ahead how things will match each other…

Just 6 blocks? You mean for example, 1 block is a complete building right? (floor, ceiling, windows, columns), 1 tower, 1 corridor…

I’m curious… does it actually have stairs to reach the upper towers?

Ah to visit one of those should be great… thing that will be hard for me.
And I agree. Gothic Cathedrals are to take away your breath.(And I just looked images from the internet)

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Yes, there are stairs to reach the towers. But for a game asset it needs some quicker ways to get around as well like elevators etc. But I have to add these in Unreal.
I will try making a screencapture video to show that the cathedral is constructed with only 6 basic blocks.

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WOW! This amount of details, everything is so precise and neat. Excellent, amazing work! Like it very much. And so inspiring!

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