Final cute chess board - 4 views

The final renders of my high poly chess set! :blush:


I’m loving it! It’s so unusual, yet so well put together. :grinning:


Yes, beautiful models!
I would expect to see the same colour schema on the opposite side. But then reversed.
But then it could also be confusing.
Also, I like the size of the board and chess pieces. The nice glow around the individual pieces.
Maybe you are tired of this project. But I think you could spend some time on this project.
Tweaking details.

Have fun!

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Thanks a lot!! :blush:

There has be a bit of improvising throught this project, but mainly, for the color palette, my goal was to work with complementary colors for the main colors (purple vs yellow).
Thanks for your kind comments and constructive critique, but I must say that I’m very glad with what I’ve acheived to accomplish in a span of roughly two weeks! And for now, I’d like to experiment with new projects! :wink:

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Very stylish, great job.

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Verry nice ! special

This is really beautiful.
A lot of expression with simple shapes.
Very cute indeed

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