Final Creature Render

Here is the final creature render I started modeling. I still think it can be improved especially the texturing. What name should he be given if he starred in a suicide squad movie? Any suggestions appreciated!


This model looks very realistic, which is great for a lot of different types of games or movies.:slight_smile:

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what’s the name of this crusty creature? lol


I still haven’t figured out. I just call him the lizard man but maybe someone here has a good name suggestion.

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Thank you. That was the goal. The great thing is that I’ve made sure it has clean topology and only around 70k tris (can be brought down to 2k tris but will look blocky) so it can be used in game engines without any problems.

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Sounds perfect!

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Looks a fine character.
Very hard to name though.


Haha. That sounds like a movie where I can see the creature hunting down people near a mysterious swamp.

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Something just occurred to me.
Those nice eyes look elliptical. So they will not rotate other than side to side in an eye socket.
Of course it may be they are spherical and it is just that we only got this front view.

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Hmm… Good observation. Maybe the eye socket is oval but the eye ball is round. That means it can move it’s eyes all directions except backwards which would be bizarre.

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That’s a nice suggestion

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I know a name for his species that would be cool, aliena hominis lacertae, latin for lizard alien man

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Ooh, sounds interesting

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Updated lighting for the creature render. Might rig it for a pose too.


It kinda looks like a Kappa, minus the turtle shell. I think adding some scales or leathery texture to the skin could make it even better. Maybe one of these three -¦ 1 ¦ 2 ¦ 3 ¦- or a combination of them.

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That could be interesting. I’ll definitely try out something. I never thought of Kappa, maybe if I took a closer look at Kappa.

Hmmm, I happen to like that character name you suggested!! @NP5


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