Final challenge

As a reference I used this pic:

I have couple of questions regarding my render:

  • why there is noise in my cycles render?

  • what’s the difference between Cycles and Eevee render (colours are the same, I notice slightly difference in the shadows but nothing more really?)

  • I appreciate any feedback on using lights in this scene :slight_smile:

  • Also tried to get into edit mode and modify a scene a bit but no vertices nor faces of the mesh displayed? edit mode looked like object mode basically?

  • how can I get in render the same colours as I used in ‘Material Previev’?



Eevee and cycles are just different. Eevee works like game engines, very fast but at quality losses. You can tweak Eevee to bring back some quality very succesfully but it then increases the render times.
Cycles is super realistic, traces the light paths accurately. However that makes it slow. Hence the ‘noise’ ypu mentioned. You can solve it by lots more samples, which adds horrendously to the render time. Or, use a ‘denoise’ option, a tick box, at the bottom of the ‘View Layers’ tab of the lower right Properties panel, that passes over the image as it renders and ‘fixes’ a lot of the noise but as a very slight cost of blurring.

Lighting, a whole other area to deal with. In this case it would seem you need to soften away those shadows.


Very very nice project. The reference image looks a fun project to do.

Did you select the correct object? And zoomed out?
I can imagine that your object are plane Blender objects (low on vertices).
So if you are too close zoomed in on the the object, maybe you don’t see the vertices …
Use in that case the num keypath ‘.’ (dot) key.

The hills on your reference photo are just flat triangles. While you are using cones, which give a different lighting effect. And there are several lamp type to choose from, which will give different schadows and reflections. And there is also the environment (world tab) which emits light and color.

As NP5 already described also the choice between Eevee and Cycles have a big impact. You lighting problems are not easily solved. Just follow this course and learn the many aspects of Blender.

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Thanks! :slight_smile:
I couldn’t find a ‘denoise’ option. In property panel have this:

Denoise is for Cycles.
Switch to cycles first.

For Eevee you can use the general solution, working in the composition editor (Post processing renders).

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