Final Challenge - Dragon

Hi Everyone,
With all the posts I saw and by my experience in this challenge as well, Im impressed with the qualty of models and what you can get with the basic tools (Primitive Modeling) of blender and a bunch of creativity.
By my part I started doing a car but then saw some great scenes and models posted here and got inspired, then I did a Dragon, Im looking forward to continue practicing the block model and if i get something worth it i will update this post, by the way I improved the Abandoned Camp with a sky and a moon.

Here I got inspired:

The camp, I really like the light.



Great job Kraventh. now i got inspired too ;). I was just thinking about making simple blocky models and then go for the detail as i learn further. 3D also follows basic 2D workflows…

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Thanks. Yes that workflow, I think, is the best way to learn 3d modeling

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