Final challenge 1


That is looking good, I really liked the lighting, it makes the building really shine, that’s a pagoda right?


Love it! Good work!


Welcome to this forum, the three moons make it mystical.


Welcome to this site.

That is a very nice oriental pagoda like building.

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it is a pagoda thanks it was really fun but SUPER challenging to do

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thanks I have a bunch of ideas I want to do!

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thanks and I loved the moons! I want to make them more detailed next time

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I want to do more but I have different styles of buildings I want to do, I want to make a character but anatomy :confused:

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Waiting to see them! :heart_eyes:

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Welcome, I love the Pagoda model you’ve created

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Thanks! I want to make another one when I get better at blender still new to it

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