Final bowling scene

Mi god, this looks awesome and makes me look forward. I am working on my bowling scene and eating myself up, because it is sooo plain and can’t wait to work with textures and reflection…

Hi everyone,
I love how materials and lighting make everything on a whole other level!
Would love to know what do you guys think of my scene!


Here is my scene. Didnt do much with the Pins, but instead modeled 5 lanes of a bowling alley with the pins and balls to match.

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Pretty simple scene. Looking forward to learning more about materials and special effects and animation to add those little guys some desent look :slight_smile:

Not as shiny as I’ve seen, but it’s a scene. =D

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My scene :slight_smile:


This is what i made!

I made this with TOP VIEW, Orthographic projection and 1 Pin, then i Put than 1 Pin on Z(0.0000), I put a reference image only for top and then i duplicated this Pin on X and Y axis on all 10, I mean remaining 9 places… I know it sounds a little bit confusing… hahaha Thanks for reading this! :slight_smile:

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I like the colors and great job making the alley wooden!

Nice work everybody, some really nice work here. :slight_smile:
My Final Scene :



I like what it looks like. Of course not as good as some of your work, But I’ll get better! xD

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This pyramid did i make quick, since my old got deleted… It got nice with the physics.
i love this course! :slight_smile:


Amazing work!

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My first try at the final bowling scene

And here’s my “logical extension” of this project. I should probably have waited til later in the course before trying this (to save on fumbling about in unknown territory), but I think the end product was worth it for amusement value:


Hi guys, here is my first attempt of the final scene:

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Hi, here is what I did. In the editor you can see how I aligned the pins within the triangle before destroying the order.


my final scene, guess thats a strike then :+1:

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