While there was a thread about this topic, I am still having issues when filtering the inventory and using an object pooling method for better performance.
I have created a quick object pooler that is working ok, meaning it instantiates a bunch of needed gameObejcts, then when I need them I simply fetch them, then when they are not needed, they are being disabled and sent back to the object pooler, meaning their transform parent changes.
While I was using a local pooling method that @Brian_Trotter made for the ShopUI performance issues,
There was a problem if I used it for the inventory also.
If I used a foreach to go though the filtered inventory items, the inventory would get filtered correctly but, I was not able to move items inside it, meaning if I tired to move an item to an empty slot, it wouldn’t let me and it would snap back to its place. If I then tried to swap items in the inventory, then the item that was being dragged would get duplicated and the current item in the destination slot would disappear.
If I used a for loop to get the indexes, I could freely move items, without any duping issue, but, the filters would not be applied correctly. They were not working at all and it would just randomly turn off slots.
I really have no other ideas how to actually make this work with an objet pooler for better performance, because with the standard instantiate / destroy, opening, moving items inside the inventory when you have more than 20 slots would make the game unplayable.