Files to ignore? includes "/v15/Browse.VC.opendb which won't stage

I have five files that are unaccounted for in the video:

These include two files of the form *.VC.db which we were told to add to the ignore list: Browse.VC.db and Solution.VC.db.

Also, a file /v15/Browse.VC.opendb is not being allowed to be staged, perhaps due to having VisualStudio open?

Here’s the error message that comes up when trying to stage the file:

git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false -c credential.helper=manager-st add -f – BuildingEscape/.vs/BuildingEscape/v15/Browse.VC.opendb
error: open(“BuildingEscape/.vs/BuildingEscape/v15/Browse.VC.opendb”): Permission denied
error: unable to index file BuildingEscape/.vs/BuildingEscape/v15/Browse.VC.opendb
fatal: adding files failed
Completed with errors, see above.

Are there new instructions for how to deal with these files? I’m tempted, for now, to put them in the ignore file, but don’t want to leave them there if they need to be included in the backup.

Windows10 user
Visual Studio 15.1
Unreal Studio Editor 4.15.1


You can ignore the whole .vs folder


thanks man!

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