So I was happily following the 2d godot course "Master Mobile Game Develpment" until I reached the lesson “Generating the Level”. I have tried my best at checking where the error is at, but the platforms just won’t show up, not even on screen, and not even the first line of platforms which should appear at the bottom of the screen. I can send whatever part of the proyect is needed, for now, this is the code on the game scene script:
extends Node2D
@onready var platform_parent = $PlatformParent
var camera_scene = preload ("res://scenes/game_camera.tscn")
var camera = null
var platform_scene = preload ("res://scenes/platform.tscn")
func _ready():
camera = camera_scene.instantiate()
var viewport_size = get_viewport_rect().size
var platform_width = 136
var ground_layer_platform_count = (viewport_size.x / platform_width) + 1
var ground_layer_y_offset = 62
for i in range (ground_layer_platform_count):
var ground_location = Vector2(i * platform_width, viewport_size.y - ground_layer_y_offset)
func _process (delta):
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("quit"):
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("reset"):
func create_platform (location: Vector2):
var platform = platform_scene.instantiate()
platform.global_position = location
return platform