Figuring out he game mechanic

I followed along the lecture and everything is working fine in my project but my problem is how as a game developer I will figure this code on my own ?

Hi Hasan,

From my personal experience, starting a new project is almost always one of the most difficult steps for me. Once a few things work, adding more things becomes easier.

Furthermore, what you see in the videos is not like you would develop an actual game. Nobody writes perfect code at the first onset. And one rarely comes up with perfect solutions for every single problem within a second. In fact, our instructors developed concepts and solutions, revised their results, and improved the results until they were happy with them. Then they recorded the videos to show those results. The whole process took them several weeks to months.

If they had recorded everything, this course would be multiple weeks long where you could see them fixing bugs in their course projects. This would be extremely boring and not efficient in any way if you want to learn something new.

When developing your own games, you will do the same as our instructors (apart from recording the videos): encountering a problem, solving the problem, encountering another problem, solving that problem, revising your solution, improving your solution, refactoring your code, testing your game, discovering more problems, solving more problems, and so on.

In most cases, you will be able to figure out solutions yourself if you stick with the problems. On the internet, you have (free) access to almost everything you need.

Please feel free to ask our helpful community of students for further opinions and advice over on our Discord chat server.

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Yes, thank for your reply :pray:

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