Few second video, feel free to use


I found a movie, I recorded last year, that may be suitable for the challenge. I cut it and rendered it in 720p resolution with blender (the base one was 1080p).

I hope the constrast is high enough with the snow.
There are slight jerky movements but I think it’ll be okay.
The light is pretty diffuse thanks to the mist/clouds but you can see under some trees how the scene should be lit.

I may put a rabbit in there :smiley: Re-using my old Napoleon (rabbit’s name).
I may also have to record a better movie if this one isn’t good enough :thinking:

Feel free to use this video in your composition if you want to, the recording camera is a Canon Powershot S120, no additionnal lenses, Sensor size (7.44 * 5.58 mm), If I recall right I didn’t use any zoom so the focal length should be 5mm. I’ll try with these values and edit if it turns out wrong.

Cheers !

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