Feline Garden (My current progress

Hello! This is my current progress for the glitch garden part of the course.
I’m a 2d animator and decided to design everything from scratch. Everything was designed and animated on clip studio paint.
Please feel free to use the slime monsters I made here!

To be completely honest… I’m lost most of the time when Rick explains the c# codes… Hopefully, the lessons will stick in the coming lessons and with repetition! Been loving the course so far!


Don’t worry keep it up and keep doing the challenges. In time you will start to understand things and it will be like a weight lifted off your shoulders. Don’t give up.

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I was going to say “whoaw, looks like professional work on the animations” XD
Great job on that, it immediatly adds a lot of game feel to the game.

As for the C# part, I wouldn’t worry too much, strongly typed languages are hard to learn, and C# is full of subtleties. Just keep going and play with what you understood to validate these notions. The rest will come later.

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I love how this is coming along, it looks really good!

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Your animation is awesome! The cat with the sling is perfect, even at 0.25 speed (which I used from Youtube to appreciate your work even more). Thank you for sharing.

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Wow this looks really sick. That’s incredible :slight_smile:

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