[Feedback/Question] from Solo Dev

I found it was more challenging to have the review of script then make a script to work with. I am very new and haven’t finished the beginner course yet, but I found I can pick up on things quickly with a few hints to verify I am thinking “Programming”. I was vaguely familiar with Raycast from YouTube Tutorial I watched. Still don’t have the code understanding down. I get its like using a thermal gun that checks for temp, but in this case checking what object it is hitting.

I am not sure if I will need to use it with my project because I plan to use the free cam and lock the cursor and use wsad for my movement. I guess I could use it for events for example if the Raycast is on a NPC and I click my “Interact” button it would active? Would that be a use for it?

As for understanding the code, I find that if I keep following tutorials and courses, I pick up on how to use the code.

I’m developing a third person RPG, in my case I use the Raycast to check if the player is on a walkable surface, and what kind of surface, if it’s not walkable I stop the animations and the capability to move (for example an edge on the terrain), and then depending on the “type” of terrain I play different sounds and particle effects for the player’s footstep, such as grass, water, wood, etc … As you are saying a Raycast is like a line that gives you information about the object is hitting, it can be used for a lot of functionalities :slight_smile:

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Cool, Thanks! @CreativebytheSea

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