Feedback on the Blender Character Creator Course: Sections 3 and 4

I think that teaching how to model such a detailed orc this early in the course is a bit too big of a jump from the robot in Mech Master. What with all the details to keep in mind, I’ve felt a bit overwhelmed. Doing very badly at the challenges didn’t do my morale any favors.

As for how things can be improved, perhaps it’d be better to teach modeling a more stylized orc before going for one so detailed. In my opinion, the reduction in complexity would make things more manageable. The challenge difficulty could be more in line with those of courses like the Complete Unity 3D Developer one.


i agree with that, but i think in this course Grant wanted to teach everything about blender(not animation). so he used shapes and all, then moved to sculpting. For making normal Character there is another course, it is better to follow that first before moving to sculpting.
I have bought like 3 courses from GamedevTv

  1. Complete blender creator. - teaches you basic of everything
  2. Low poly characters - here you will learn to create different types of characters.
  3. Blender Character creator - the orc one

If I understood correctly, this course was meant to take people from beginner-level to somewhat-advanced-level. Thus, I don’t think I should have to complete another course before doing any of the sculpting stuff in this one. Especially when those other courses use rather outdated versions of Blender

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The Character course is more advanced. I found the early part a bit odd to put in at all myself. More of a warm up and reminder for those who may not have taken the beginner course recently.

There will always be overlap!

Have to remember Blender gets vastly more users than are just into characters and games.
Most courses are updated after a while it can’t be done for every time there is a new Blender version.

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It seems there is proof that this course was NOT meant for advanced students. Firstly, the page says that the difficulty level is Beginner. Second, in this course’s first video, Grant himself didn’t say anything about needing to have prior experience. I believe this debunks the idea that the first two sections are mere warmups for those who already have experience. Last (but not least), Grant outright said that this course goes from beginner to fairly advanced.

So… I believe that further validates my concern about what may be the biggest issue with the course: the difficulty jump mentioned in the OP.


The truth is this isn’t an advanced blender sculpting. This is a beginner course. Unfortunately sculpting in the early stages requires a lot of practice. For video training it becomes a balancing act of tools and techniques. Information overload is all to real. I always recommend that people watch the video twice. Once just watching it thru and start processing the information. Then watch a second and follow along so you can cement the information in your mind.

In regards to using a more stylized character sounds like it would be easier. In reality sculpting a more stylized characters is actually harder. Also the character has to be advanced enough to properly show some of the tools/techniques.

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How would going for a more stylized character be harder? Feels unintuitive, like saying that programming a game like Super Mario World is harder than programming something like Final Fantasy 7. There’s also how @Grant_Abbitt started off the course with the target model being heavily stylized


Yes you are correct that the course takes quite a leap in difficulty. It can be tough to manage the professional skills that are needed at the same time keeping it at a beginner level. What I find is people’s outcomes tend to be different depending on their level so the technical aspects are all there but people will have different levels of detail in their sculpting. I think that works well in the end but it can be tough to manage people’s expectations so I should probably be clearer with that part more. Thanks for your feedback on this.


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