Feedback on Rubric - Student Portfolios/Game Pitch Rubric

Hey everyone!
Over the course of the last semester, I’ve had 5 High School students complete @ben and @Rick_Davidson Unity 3D course. The fruits of their labor can be seen here: (Still being updated and will be complete by the end of January.)

In this post, I’m uploading a rubric by which the students will grade each other for phase two (semester two) of the course. Each has prepared a game pitch based on a game they would like to make. The team will be selecting a single game to create. I’d appreciate any feedback on the rubric itself. Scores for each category will be totaled to determine which game “wins” and everyone will rally behind that idea to create that game during semester 2. Let me know what you think! (The word document is zipped because of Forum restrictions.)

Game Pitch Proposal Selection (13.7 KB)

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Awesome, thanks for sharing.

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