Feedback - Lecture 229/230

Having been using version control since Building Escape most of the information in these videos were redundant. The LFS change was nice to track our uassets.

Though, coming off of Battletank I wanted to dive right into TestingGrounds and get it going, the Git detour took a little zip out of the sails for me.

If I was in a position to alter the flow of things I would introduce the Git detour maybe a dozen videos later, or after the first quiz.

Hi Darrell,

You may find it more advantageous to provide this form of feedback via the Q&A on Udemy against the specific lecture. The reason I say this is because the instructors do not frequent the forum that often, and as such, when they do there will be thousands of topics posted above yours, its visibility may be lost. On the Q&A, there are student instructors who will respond and can escalate an issue where appropriate to an instructor.

I hope this information is of use :slight_smile:

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