Feedback is appreciated!

HabitQuest is a productivity app with turn-based rpg-like mechanics. What do you think? Would you play this game?

So the sidequests (tasks that you should be doing instead of playing the game) are part of the game?

That could actually have some potential. A bit like Pokemon Go used to get me out walking around (because you can’t play the game just sitting at your desk).

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Yes. It’s more a task manager than a game. The battle aspect is to get you interested in getting stuff done in your life. My biggest influence is Habitica and Duolingo.

There was something similar years ago for maths teaching for kids. It was aimed to keep them working daily, and help them organize their school tasks, not to working a lot today and then nothing for days. The “tasks” were small, identifiable goals and the kids could decide what was more “urgent” for them amongst reasonable targets. The user around here is now a grown adult, so I don’t remember the name, and it may not even exist anymore, but it was in a website and worked quite well.

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That’s cool.

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