[FEEDBACK] GuessBot (Number Wizard)

I departed a bit from the project described in the lectures. In particular, the guessing part of the game play is spread across 3 scenes with different text and images for a bit of variety. I used a global object to preserve the game state between scenes — according to some references I checked, this is a Bad Thing and will cause the world to end. I couldn’t see any other way of doing it, though.

The little robot guy was made in Blender. He’ll get slightly angry if you give him conflicting information (like guessing a number outside the permitted range).

I hope you like it. Here’s the link: https://6hr.co.uk/unity2d/guessbot/
NOTE: I don’t know why, but you might have to click your browser’s reload button if the game doesn’t load straight away.

Thanks for sharing! The palette you chose was perfect for the robot’s poses and mood. I really liked the small touches, like having the robot count how many times it guessed. Well done!

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