Feedback: Dragging scripts

Hey guys,
I know that this topic was raised many times already both here and in udemy comments section.
But I really want to also give my feedback around how you are presenting this course and particular this section here where you are explaining how the dragging functionality works.

I just want to say that I much rather prefer if you go with the classic write-and-explain approach with the lectures and do not skip any topics like this one.

If you think a given topic is too advanced, you can always do the same thing you did in the previous course with the Saving System. I remember there were two tutorial sections there. The first section was showing how to use the already existing saving system, and the other section was on how to create the saving system from scratch.

Please do not underestimate the student’s skillset and the ability to understand complex topics. Many people taking the course are already experienced programmers, that are just lacking know-how in game development.

Other than that, amazing job on those RPG series. Even with thise “bad” feedback that I am giving right now, this is still one of the best game dev courses out there!

Best Regards,


Thank you for your feedback.

We learned a thing or two after creating this course, and you’ll find that the remainder of the series switches back to our classic style of instruction.


Oh thank God, I can’t follow this format either…


Oh thats a relief haha! I really did like how the RPG Combat course was presented and wished that the Inventory part was the same. But other than that, great series so far imo!

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