Favorite ADD-ONS and why?

Hi guys, age old question I suppose but I am pretty new to the game and interested to lean more about some of the add-ons being used.

I purchased BoxCutter/Hard Ops and have tested out “curve_cad-master”, “blenderbezierutils”, and a few others but what is the hot ticket for hard surface modeling and texturing etc…


I don’t have had the need for extra (purchased) add-ons. Mostly because I don’t know what they do or help me in the process. I like node-wrangler, but didn’t know it existed until Michael. told us so.

For me it’s is not only knowing the ins and outs of Blender. But also how the process works. What make hard-surface works, how procedural textures technically work. If you understand that, than you can appreciate some add-ons. Because they save you a lot of work, or doing very technical stuff.

So I don’t use extra add-ons, besides the ones available in Blender. But I can imagine, for a professional, time is money. So get tools to make your work easier. But then I say, pay for Blender also, and become a member. See Blender development fund.
Personally I’m a bronze member. Because I find this piece of software excellent!

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Hi @FedPete. I am starting to see what you mean, a lot of add-ons seem to make very elaborate macros out of what is already part of the program and a few that I have tested sure helped me out due to my lack of knowledge with 3D theory but I am hoping in the next few years it starts to make more sense, I couldn’t imagine this science taking less than a year or 2 to get a handle on?

And YES :slight_smile: I will pledge support to Blender development fund.
Resistance is Futile…

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