Failed to push to git

I am having problems trying to push my commits to my remote repository after I refactored the project and folder structure earlier in the course. I can successfully commit, however, when I try to push to my remote repository I get the following message:

open C:\Users\Andrew Moran\Documents\Game Engines\Unreal\UnrealCourse\05_TestingGrounds\TestingGrounds\Content\Weapons\FPWeapon\Behaviour\FirstPersonProjectile.uasset: The system cannot find the path specified.
error: failed to push some refs to ''

I cannot find any refs on my local and remote repos with the above path. Anyway to ignore or remove any past refs to this file? I’m confused why the message starts with "open "

I found the issue and it is related to GitLFS. I needed to properly remove the reference via Git LFS. I did so gathering all that was stored on the server
git lfs fetch --all
And then removing any deleted files
git lfs prune

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Hi All

How did you do that
I’m lost when it comes to sourcetree


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