Failed to Connect to Server

When i do the first Test, for connecting 1 player,
It says it is connecting, but after a timeout i get an error?

I did a check on all the network scripts, and i think everything is the same as in the repository.
Can someone point me to a direction where the fault can be?

Kind regards,
Bert Berrevoets.

Hi Bert,

I apologize that you did not get a reply to this question but i hope you managed to find a solution.
It could be that the servers have not spun up yet as we set them up so that we dont have a server running all the time so it has to start on before you can connect.
I have got into a habit of doing a test allocation before each test with the game and make sure they succeed before i do the test.

If you can let me know the lecture this was and if it was solved i can correctly tag this and i once again apologize for the lack of support here.

No, this was not a case where the server was not there, i checked it.
I have never found a problem, but after cloning the repo for that video it was working.
So must have missed something :rofl: :rofl:

I am not sure, but i think the video was: 10_CO_UMP


I’ve been there! I’ve spent an hour on occasion copying and pasting each method to find out the root cause.
We’ve all done it and i am sure we wont be the last :slight_smile:

I’ll close this thread but please do not hestitate to reach out if you get stuck, Also if you find its not tagging the lecture in the future please do tag @Marc_Carlyon to grab my attention :slight_smile:

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