F1 Racing Steering Wheel - FW43

I finally finished my third and the best steering wheel. I used almost everything that i know. Extrusion. boolean, mirror, lights, reflections, generated textures and much more…
Based on the streering wheel of Williams FW43.

Well, back to the lamp animation!


My references

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Coooool :sunglasses:
You’ve really nailed the overall look! It looks like it was gratifying to see all those buttons, dials and colors come together.
Is that last reference image a photo? If so, my only comment would be the material on the top curve of the wheel seems to be more of a shiny metal as opposed to the relatively flat checkerboard material in the render.


Thank you :blush:
Yes, last reference is a photo. It’s not a metal, it’s carbon, and sometimes its really shiny. But there is a big counterlight on the photo so I suppose, i can do it a bit shiner, but not too much

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Ah yes in that photo I see the checkerboard pattern more clearly :+1:
How long did it take to model?

10 days or about 20 hours. But I suppose that it not so much big number for complicated models.


Great model very gaudy colours like the real one!
How long until you start of the rest of the cars! :rofl:

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Thank you :relaxed:
Few months and two or three steering wheels :sweat_smile: I still want to learn organic sculpting so it’s gonna be my side quest


Excellent job!

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Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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