Eye with lens, there's a lot of noise :(

I’m rendering at 500 samples, but there’s a ton of noise when I render the eye. Any ideas on how to get rid of it? :frowning:

Try this:


Thank you, but I think I’ll keep the setting I had earlier. When both are those are disabled, the eye is darker, and the firefiles are more noticeable…
This is at 500 samples:

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Yeah, but more noise… I guess it’s up to you in the end. You could easily make the eye brighter with a light (i.e., not heavy) emission on it. That’s what I had done for my rabbit’s eye. See below (this is 128 samples, btw):

Everything can be fixed with samples, though. I personally don’t want to go through having to wait half a day for a render with my sluggish computer.

I like the eye though, the darker one. I also render with my CPU, and it’s much faster than my GPU. Way, way faster. Like 2-3x faster. Haha. I noticed yours is GPU-based, so what you sacrifice here is time vs quality. Choose your victim =]


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