Extrusion challenge: Low Poly Tower & Prince of Persia inspired spike jump room

  • I started off deleting one vertex from the corner and resizing the cube by half on Z. I then extruded it back up to give the edges/faces in the middle. (Normally I would have just loop-cut, but the challenge was to use extrude).
  • For the camera angle, I used an addon “IsoCam” for simplicity but the same result can be gotten easily by setting a normal camera to Orthographic and moving it to look down at the corner from a roughly 45-degree angle.
  • I then extruded out the lower facings to give those platforms. Since it left the back-face hollow, I selected the edges and Filled them. I did similar to add that slight thickness to the outer walls.
  • For the spikes I just used a cone with 8ish divisions. I used Linked-Duplication (Alt-D) instead of the normal duplication (Shift-D) in case I needed to edit it later I wouldn’t have to edit them all (or re-duplicate everything). Later on I decided to make them look more like boody spikes so I extruded the bottom out and applied a red material to the top part. The Linked-Duplication I did before really saved me some headaches here. I would have gone a bit more detailed, but the idea of this challenge was to just get the ideas down, not go for realism or other high details.
  • For the “doors” leading in/out of the chamber, I wanted to keep with the low poly old game feel so I just added a cube and colored it pure black. For the one closer to the camera, I extruded it out the back and created a wedge out of it.
  • The “torch” is just a cube with a secondary small extrusion out of the tip. Once I got a color I liked, I applied it to the emission color as well and put the emission strength to 10 just to give it a little brightness.
  • The light itself, was a normal point light I placed overlapping the glowy bit of the torch using a torch-like color (Hex #FF7C09 for the curious)
  • For lighting the outside a bit, instead of using the environment setting (it would light the interior and remove the black background) I just added 2 extra point lights and arranged them similarly to a 3-point lighting set up covered earlier in this course. I chose a red-orange color to maintain the ominous torch-lit feel.

…and then I remembered the challenge was to make a BUILDING, not a scene. lol

  • First I extruded the default cube up a few times to give me extra edges. I wasn’t sure what I was going for originally except a taller building. Originally the third segment up just had 4 cubes sticking out the sides. Later I filled the edges and some other edge selection/resizing stuff to give it that rounded look. Using X-Ray I was able to select/delete the excess facings left on the inside.
  • To get that inset lip and the windows, I pressed E to extrude, then canceled it (right click) and resized it inward on the Z. This could be similarly accomplished with the Inset tool ( i ). This technique was used heavily after the initial few extrusions.
  • I applied a bluish-green color to simulate windows. Also played with the roughness setting to give it a bit of shiney reflective property.
  • The red light at the top is just a red emission with a strength of 10. Eevee’s “Bloom” setting enabled gave it the little glow.
  • Changed the environment to a blue and dropped it’s value down so it looked a bit nicer than the default grey, but didn’t overpower the lighting. Likewise, I just added a grey plane for a ‘floor’.
  • For actual lighting, I just applied a fairly standard three-point lighting set up.

Overall had some fun with this challenge and was nice practice. I can definitely see using that tower in later low-poly city designs and the spike-room was pretty interesting to build almost exclusively from the default-cube using only extrusions and basic movements.

If I were to revisit these, I’d add more detailed texturing probably using some UV mapping and some smaller details to make it look less ‘perfect’, especially in the spike room where I feel it should have more wear and tear of ancient ruins than clean hard angles. Overall though I’m actually really happy with them as is :slight_smile:


A great detailed explanation of what you did. Fine scenes and challenges done.


The Prince of Persia spike room looks seriously ominous! Nice work! Maybe crank the lamp up a little or add a very low-strength light somewhere in the shadows. A lot of details seem to be lost in blackness, which I kinda think is a shame, when you’ve made such a cool scene :slight_smile:

That’s a very nifty flight tower :smiley:

Well done on your challenges ^^


Thanks! I had no idea what I was going to make at first, it just kinda came about. As was said in the video, think of it as ‘sketching in 3D’ and that’s essentially what I did adding/building/modifying on the fly as it took shape.
As far as the ‘details lost in blackness’, there isn’t actually anything hidden since the challenge was just to block a scene building out but I do plan to revisit it to add more details.

This is the Material Preview mode render:

Other than adding to the ominous atmosphere, the “spikes” look like tubes of questionable lipstick so I used the darkness to hide how crude they actually are. Some times art is less about what it is, and more how the finished product looks :laughing:

I definitely want to revisit it soon just to give it a proper update for details. Maybe use a particle system (or geo-nodes) for scattering/rotating the spikes, UV mapping some old ruins onto the walls, beveling/deforming some of the ledges to look like its broken away, etc… Not great at all of those skills (yet), but I’m definitely familiar enough to get the job done.


Looking forward to see where you take it :smiley:


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