Extrusion Challenge - Erechtheion

Hello everyone!

It was very inspiring to see what everyone else made for the challenge!

What I made is the Erechtheion; One of the structures located around the Parthenon and on the Acropolis in Athens, Greece.

Posting a picture for reference:

Any feedback or comments would be deeply appreciated! :slight_smile:


Very tricky to produce the figures, especially at the start of the course.

One thing that could be changed is the position of the figures. On the real thing they are more at the front edge. Like the square the heads attach to.


Thank you for the feedback!
Just moved them more at the front.

This also solves one of the issues i had with the model. The roof was casting a shadow on the statues and it didn’t seem right.

Thank you!


Nice looking model.

Due to its simple nature, you might want to keep it in your back pocket to come back to when you reach the modular section. This would be a nice modular project.

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