Extrusion challenge - De Waag

I love being able to work with more than primitives. I wanted to do more with materials but I struggled with the concept of applying materials to subsets of the mesh object. I figured it will be prob be covered more later and there is so much more to learn in the course, I figure it’s best to just move on and come back later if I want to finish off a scene.




Yes, learn more and come back later.
Little steps …
Just have fun.


Great work from a good reference.

Now you can also control the sided of the cylinders you add those real life octagonal parts could have had the right number of sides/faces. Then also rotated to be like the building. My feel is most of them have too many sides. That ‘awning’ front sloping roof is not positioned as in the reference it is too high. or the building is too short, no room for the upper story windows.

Still a great model, just me looking at details that could be done differently.


That is an awesome idea for your extrusion challenge! Very cool! Love that you work from references, and that you get so close in your block-outs.

I look forward to seeing what you come up with in the future :smiley:

As NP5 says, you can play around with the settings when you create the primitives for different shapes. I’ve used the cylinder to make triangles and pentagons, and toruses with only four sides as frames. It gets you a whole new range of blocks to built with or from :slight_smile:


Thanks for the feedback and tips! Yeah, I am learning a lot from this section’s challenges. Working from reference is a habit I want to form early on and practice observing and planning up front to help more efficiently and accurately represent my work.



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