Extrusion Challenge: Countryside House

Used some extrusions. And some skills I picked up in the earlier lessons.

[UPDATE] Thanks a ton to @NP5 for pointing out the solution to the clipping issue with the camera. I increased the clipping distance and that fixed it. Here’s the fixed image


Little tiny house.
The back wall acting as the sky, cut off a part of the grass…


I have tried to fix that but was not able to. It look fine in Blender in the viewport.
But gets cut off when I render. Still trying to figure it out. And there is no back wall. Its just the horizon.

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Fine scene, well extruded house.

The background then is the clipping factor on the camera. Select it, go to the camera properties tab green camera icon, and extend the clipping range. (there is also the same factor on the view but it must be set further back if it did not shoe there.)


Thanks a ton for this tip. It fixed the issue :grinning:


Very cool aesthetic. This would be awesome in a game, maybe Stardew Valley 3d? :+1:


Glad you liked it. I wish my game dev skills were that great yet. But maybe one day… :wink:

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