Extrusion Challenge - church

For this challenge, I wanted to make a building with an intricate shape. I found this very old church in Spain (see the first picture below) that is famous for the shape of the exterior of the building, so I decided to give it a go.

This is my end result:

I know the roof is not quite as good as it should be, but I’m guessing is because I was creating them by extruding de edges; so there is no “over hanging”.


Oh, really nice.

Also, you’re doing the correct thing by using reference images. It does not matter how much experience you have, everyone needs to use references =)

Very nicely done for a complex building shape.

Is the reference a scan and 3d model of the church? Photogrammetry?


I completely agree. I’ve been sculpting for many years and still need a reference even for the simple things sometimes. The only way to get accuracy :slight_smile:


I honestly don’t know. I did use many reference picture, and there were other 3d models, but all from a search on Google, so I didn’t pay much attention to the source of the pictures.

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