Extracting Image Data

Ghostic plane :slight_smile:
There is something wrong here and I ill share the nodes too. Hope you can help. I follow all the lecture but maybe the version difference I do not know.

Here are the nodes

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After a very quick scan, why multiply or masking is wrong.
I had the same problems, but too many months ago.


Nice plane :slight_smile: I think the issue is on the last color mix node, you set it to multiply, try with mix instead.

In multiply mode, you’ll blend the color of the first and the second image on input, hence the strange looking tail.
But, in mix mode, the first image will be “on top” of the second and the factor input play the role of opacity of the first image, with your IDMask it is set to 1 for the plane and 0 elsewhere, so you should have a nice looking plane :smiley:

I feel like I can’t find the right words to explain it, but I hope you understand what I try to say.

Cheers !

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