Extra Scene - Japanese Pagoda

I took a short break after completing Part 2 of the course and then spent a few days making this scene (a couple of hours each day). I could have spent more time on details (Sakura trees could be more elegant…) but I thought it would last forever. I used various reference materials and googled hex values of desired colors :slight_smile:


Nice scene. But i find it difficult to see the scale of things.
The stair with railing is small, so the tree must be large.
As a viewer am looking over the trees. And then the green trees in the back are bigger as the building.
So is it a tiny building …

The composition and colors are very nice indeed. And you can see that much time has spend on all those small flowers. I like the style! Nice project!

Yes, I didn’t realise at first but you are right about the scale of items :smiley: I was actually aiming for the view where there are trees growing on the hill, but created tall trees instead :smiley:
here’s one of the ref images:

And the tree in front of the building is way too big when I look at it now… I will be more cautious next time, thank you for your input and good words as well! :slight_smile:

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There is an add-on for Blender. Forgot the name, because they changed it recently.
Where the add on analyzes the reference photo, to determine the camera lens type/size and position.
With this camera setup you can better scale things as the reference show.

But you will learn how to cope with large projects, like this beautiful building construct. High level of details.
Just follow this course.

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I will, thank you!

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