Extra Modelling Challenge

It took me whole evening today to create this Case. I used basic shapes and all of my skills I have learnt so far by watching this course. But… to create that logo (BitFenix) I had to trace a picture of it what is different part I got from another tutorial.
I really like 3D Modelling and I’m always pushing myself a bit further, didn’t want to create something too simple but also don’t have so much skills yet to create something too complex.

And here it is… all rendered :wink:


Your skills are quite good, all it takes to make complex things is time. Question is: do you want to spend it making things right now.

Various mistakes with workflow, lack of knowledge and techniques will make things complicated and inefficient.
Although you will understand 3D modelling better and understand more in next lectures.
Check out what I came up with through my 3 week in Blender.
3 Weeks in Blender
Had to sacrifice some time with lectures, I only made it until middle of section 4. It’s quite ok since I only want to be a real good 3D animator and not a game designer.

Thanks Sam for your response. I am absolutely aware of that, that I have to spend a lot of time learning new things and more than that… use everything I have learned so far in my creation to get better understanding how it all works and constantly keep creating new things to get hang of it. But I bet that after I reach to section 4 I will be able to create things like you. I saw all of your work and it looks really nice. I don’t mind that it is a time consuming. It’s just a shame that I have got only 2 or 4 hours almost every evening (depends for how long I’m able to stay awake) to learn and create. Therefore, my progress might be a bit slower but one day, I will master it :wink:

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That’s why they call them “side activities”, they don’t really encourage it. I had that conclusion quite a lot of time like when I done a human or car - it’s not done that way, I could have made it much better if I done that other way. It’s probably best getting through the course and then to start making whatever you want with knowledge you learned.

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