Extra model 1 over ear headphones Plus flashlight


And speakers lol lazy addition


Nice models! wouldn’t want to make them ultra detailed anyway in the beginning of the course :wink:

Lol headphones took longer than i would like to admit though I can redo them in like 5 minutes.

I see you’re running 2.8. Did you start with 2.8 or did you switch over? I only ask because I’ve been working on learning Blender with 2.7 for awhile. 2.8 looks like I’ll have to relearn the interface all over again.

Started On 2.7 Switched to 2.8 around this part of the lesson. Its different and the same, like you will have to find a few things that changed not too hard and some of its the same. I changed a small handful of things back to the 2.7 way. Like it is different but if you understand blender and know what your looking for finding it isn’t to bad. Things that moved are in menus they make sense in so its a little bit of time but not like relearning everything.

Well that’s good to hear. I do like the look though, reminds me of 3DS Max in a way. But I haven’t touched that since I was in college in '05.

Think of it as ms office 03 vs 07 level of change


I actually installed 2.8 next to 2.7 and started using it early because I didn’t want to get super far and then have to re learn random differences lol.

Makes sense.

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