Exterminator Slater

South Dakota is under attack from mutant bugs caused by an experiment gone wrong at the Mount Sango factory. Pilot your way through waves of dangerous insects, while keeping your modified crop duster intact. You might just save us yet!!

This is level one of the Laser Defender type project. Looking forward to coming back to it when we learn a little more about animation and hopefully cutscenes, and finishing an entire game with multiple levels and locations around the Dakotas. I did notice one glitch in that the final win screen does not show health properly, but that’s trivial and I’ll fix it. Please let me know if you find any bugs (haha). Or if you see weird remnants/artifacts near the bug explosions particle system. That is mysterious to me, but maybe it’s just my machine or in my editor.


I would not be happy if there was giant bugs. :skull_and_crossbones:

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