Exporting to Unity

I’m taking this course to export objects to Unity. For my pyramid file

Because of their different axes, I expect “mirroring” and “on side” issues in exporting.
The main pyramid is scaled at (5, 5, .25), so there will be size issues too.
The origin is centered at its base (though I had to move the object up the Z-axis in Edit Mode to do this).
There are still three pyramids. I’ll have to put them in different files later on.
The model is closed and all normals are facing outwards.

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Hello! I am also looking forward to exporting to Unity for game creation in the future.

To my current understanding, there are settings when you export from blender that allows you to “translate” to different programs with differing coordinate systems… I understand it is pretty simple for models transferring, but I haven’t a clue how translating animations would be like! Does anyone know?

I previously worked in Maya, which shares the same system as Unity, so I have never had to think on this all before! Any tips/tidbits would be wonderful!

The idea is that you tick off armature data when exporting your file (they need to be skeletal mesh/armature based)

I havnt tried doing this for Unity, but fortunately Unreal Engine is the one that it is a bit tricky for, Unity should have more support for the way Blender is generating things.

It seems most common practice however to export everything separately. Starting with a file containing only your skeleton and mesh with no animations, then exporting that and importing it as a skeletal mesh into game engine/unity. (select both armature and mesh data for export)

Then creating separate files for each animation using that skeleton and exporting them separately. (select only armature during export)

This is probably why it seems confusing since typically one file contains animations, but in game engines they are seen as separate files/assets.

In terms of scaling believe it or not, i believe the model/skeletal mesh will get scaled up or down to the animation scale if it has the same bone data. But I don’t have a good example to test on atm, and havn’t played around with this very much. I’ve been saving this stuff for when I really go out to model a character at the end of this course, haha.

Maybe you can try it though? :smiley:

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Oooh thank you! My goodness that is a lot to think about, and lots to try! I think I will have to play with it, and research & learn as I go and test those things/programs!

I am really looking forward to testing it out! I will update here as I learn too :slight_smile:

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I admittedly wish I knew more about this myself. I i manage to get to it anytime in the near future, perhaps I’ll make another post on it, haha.

Easy to get sidetracked sometimes but this is definitely a priority for me soon!

Hell we might as well make our own course on it at this point, it isn’t mentioned on Udemy it seems, haha.
A proper forum post is due at least x).

I think it would have been an appropriate bonus for this course, hopefully with enough work I will have something ready soon. Maybe I will test some stuff out with simpler models in mean time.

I’ll try and post back if I see anything new. Definitely an important topic here.

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Wow! I am very surprised that there isn’t more conversation about this topic! I think as I finish this course, or when it becomes vital to figure out (whatever comes first) I will too look more in depth to it. Even just a quick guide would be helpful! I know everyone gets excited and gets real deep and technical, but I have always found starting with an overview & quick guide gives everyone the tools to then experiment on their own. I always learn & remember best that way!

For scaling, I would love to see if anyone knows about the practice of “zeroing” scale, rotation, etc. in game engines. I know it is practice to export everything at a “scale of 1” in animation, with each object’s “dimensions” being key in size comparisons. I have not been able to test this out in Unity yet (sidetracked :yum:) but I would love to see if this would simplify things for exporting to Unity!

Yes, please update here if you learn anything new! I so appreciate it! :smile:

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Hi Blender Folk…

I am doing a pet project in unity and have imported 2 objects… a car and a honk, both made in blender with the knowledge aquired in this course… i spend a good time correcting the car so it was imported with the axis properly done so i can move the player (who is inside the car, figuratively speaking) with the right axis movement in unity… to to this was a trial-and-error work rotating the FACES of the object so the Y axis was aligned to the TOP and Z ponting to the car front…

this was the ending result of my car…

and this was the original who was imported with the sides facing the ground

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