Export Godot Windows


I finished this section of the course. However, I have not been able to export the game.

I noticed my file is a little larger than the instructor’s file. And, I remember I have the level scene saved twice in two areas. I don’t know if that is effecting the export. When I press play, a blank screen comes up. If i hit the run current scene button, the game will play. I can play it within Godot. When I double click the .exe file i get the blank screen.

After clicking the Run Project (F5) Play The Project.

File size

Have you selected the default run scene?


as Six_Dots_Software shows if you go into the Project > and Project Settings

if you make a note of where the scene that works when you play current scene is saved.

in that Run settings. you can click the white folder to the right and it will let you browse the project and you need to select the level scene that is working.

as that run says what scene initially run when you press play.

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Do I need to delete the level tscn that is in the wrong location?

This is the wrong level tscn. There is nothing in it except the launch pad and landing pad.

This is the correct level tscn. You can see the objects.

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Before you delete it.

Just wondering as it’s showing a grey screen and not showing anything.

Did you change the default run scene to be the level that is in the level folder?

Can you show a screenshot of what you have in that main scene option in project settings please

Make a backup. Zip your project folder so you have a copy. Just in case.

If that level scene is definitely not used and you have a backup, then delete it.

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I had a look at your last project you uploaded, you have the player seen as the main scene to run when you press F5 or the play button, thats why your getting the grey screen.

you have to change that setting to play the level.tscn that you want ro run at startup, like the below

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It’s working! I am excited!

One down, many to go!!!

Greatly appreciated!


Nice one :+1:

It’s a good feeling finishing a section and having a playable game :slight_smile:



I found the right place.

Just need to figure out how to export to ios and android. Is there a course for that?

We do have a 2D 'Master Mobile Game Development with Godot 4: From Concept to App Stores

That’s just been released yesterday.

Might be worth looking at the curriculum and the promo video to see what’s involved. It’s kind of a beginner + course.

Exporting to mobile uses a few extra techniques and the 3d games we make in this 3d course would take a few changes to get them to work on mobile devices.

I’ve not been through the course as yet.

@Marc_Carlyon would you have any advice to add?

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I think I am enrolled in that one already.

The tutorials here are pretty good! If you need any help with Android, just ask. I can also assist you in exporting. Just released a tank game myself. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Agreed! The tutorials are great here! Congratulations on your game release!

I just followed the tutorial. However, it is a different game. I am not sure if it matters.


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