Export checklist UE4

I am looking to make a very large open world game with a few friends, unreal engine 4 is Left handed axis with z for vertical orientation, x for depth and y for width. the scale set up works fine as long as it is saved as a FBX file not blend, the origin and mesh appear fine.

If anyone knows more about UE4 (I’m extremely new to it) for making open world games then i’d be happy to get some advice.


Excellent, just the info I was looking for.

I came to see if I had the same findings. I’ve imported some items into UE4 before, and for regular meshes, it seems fine, but when you have animations, at least in my ecperience, it needs some extra steps and I am unaware what they are. But I have made a model character and imported it as well as a table. I got the table in fine, i cant remember if i had to edit it any to get it to fit, but the character didn’t work for me, at least the animations, armature, and controls. though I am still new to it myself. Hope this helped somehow, and maybe you can find a solution to the problem I had?!

Hi Guys,

There has been an addon for exporting to Unreal and as you found out above unreal does need fbx not blend files unlike unity that sneaky opens blender in the background to read blend files. Thats why it doesnt work.
Now the add on you’ll have to google as i cant find the lnika t the moment and its use at your own risk, I havent tested it or even installed it so maybe if you fdind it and get it working with some animations you could provide feedback and a guide?

good luck!


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