Exploding cars, disco lights, multiple paths and some invisible threats

Here’s the link, please try it :smiley:

A or left arrow -> rotate left
D or right arrow -> rotate right
Space -> boost
The debug keys are on so if you wish to skip a level press L or if you want to remove collisions press C.
It has got 5 levels.
Tnx for checking it out and I’m really looking forward to your opinions :slight_smile:


This is really awesome! Mind sharing how you did the lights on that last level? I wanted to do a pulsating light on my rocket but wasn’t really sure how to pull it off. Great stuff!

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 [SerializeField] Light myLight;
[Range(0, 1)] [SerializeField] float lightAdjuster;
[SerializeField] float timer = 2f;
[SerializeField] Color firstColor;
[SerializeField] Color secondColor;

void Start ()
   myLight = GetComponent<Light>();

void Update () {

    float cycles = Time.time / timer;
    const float tau = Mathf.PI * 2;
    float rawSinWave = Mathf.Sin(cycles * tau);
    lightAdjuster =  rawSinWave/2+ 0.5f;
    myLight.color = Color.Lerp(firstColor, secondColor, lightAdjuster);
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Thank you!

Great game. Very original levels. When i played it the toy Cars started bouncing around all over the place. Very funny indeed.

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