Hello ! in the Tick part of the code :
// CurrentYaw is a value that is used for where the door is while its travelling between two points - the current Yaw rotation value and the target yaw rotation value. Using the Lerp() function (short for linear interpolation) that is contained in the FMath library , we are able to set CurrentYaw to a different value each tick - which makes the door open over time.
CurrentYaw = FMath::Lerp(CurrentYaw, TargetYaw, 0.02f);
// Here we create a Struct of type FRotator called DoorRotation and initialize it to the current actor’s rotation. The FRotator struct has a pitch, yaw, and a roll value, much like an FVector, but the FRotator is regarding rotation, not location.
FRotator DoorRotation = GetOwner()->GetActorRotation();
// We are going to use the “.” operator to access the yaw value of the DoorRotation struct we just created and set it to the value of CurrentYaw - this is what makes the door rotate along it’s yaw axis over time.
DoorRotation.Yaw = CurrentYaw;
// Finally, the function that ties it all together. We use SetActorRotation every tick with DoorRotation as the rotation value, which is changing with DeltaTime.
So, anything that makes something move or needs to track movement usually has to take place in the tick , because movements happen frame-by-frame.