Explaining the code so far in C++

Preprocessor directive : To be honest, I did google again what this actually does. but I find it hard to grasp. So far I get it outputs everything so it can be compiled by a computer language.

Main function : This always is the beginning of your code and everything that’s needed within the code. you can also fold in the code for overview. 27 sentences become suddenly 3

Expression statements: This is a part of the code that will become readable when you’ve compiled and you have run the program. It shows the sentences in a way and the code that you may have defined or declared.

Declaration statements : this the sum up of the codes within your program. For TripleX this outputs text under a specific way. You can subtract, sum, device and such.

Return statement is when you close a specific part of the code or your full code.
It shows overview if you want to start a new bit.
Not sure how that works, but we will see.

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