Expending multiple ammo types at once when firing. + Another issue

Following along with Bram I found an issue that was previously discussed with a different end result (that user had made a new very different weapon).

When I shoot my Rifle it expends both my Medium and Small ammo types and vice versa, SMG fires Rifle rounds.

I am not sure what the issue could be the code looks spot on and I set the ammo types as Bram did using the inspector assign function.
I thought it could be caused by the copy pasting of the weapon models/scenes but that’s exactly what Bram did and did not exhibit this issue.

Video of the issue:

extends Node
class_name AmmoHandler

@export var ammo_label: Label

enum ammo_type{

var ammo_storage := {
	ammo_type.LARGE_AMMO: 6,
	ammo_type.MEDIUM_AMMO: 12,
	ammo_type.SMALL_AMMO: 60,

func has_ammo(type: ammo_type) -> bool:
	return ammo_storage[type] > 0

func use_ammo(type: ammo_type) -> void:
	if has_ammo(type):
		ammo_storage[type] -= 1

func update_ammo_label(type: ammo_type) -> void:
	ammo_label.text = str(ammo_storage[type])

extends Node3D

@export var weapon_1: Node3D
@export var weapon_2: Node3D

func _ready() -> void:

func _unhandled_input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
	if event.is_action_pressed("weapon_1"):
	if event.is_action_pressed("weapon_2"):
	if event.is_action_pressed("next_weapon"):
	if event.is_action_pressed("previous_weapon"):

func equip(active_weapon: Node3D) -> void:
	for child in get_children():
		if child == active_weapon:
			child.visible = true
			child.visible = false

func next_weapon() -> void:
	var index = get_current_index()
	index = wrapi(index +1, 0, get_child_count())

func previous_weapon() -> void:
	var index = get_current_index()
	index = wrapi(index -1, 0, get_child_count())

func get_current_index() -> int:
	for index in get_child_count():
		if get_child(index).visible:
			return index
	return 0

As a less important, yet also very visually annoying bug/issue you may have noticed in the video is whenever I switch weapons, one frame of the muzzle_flash particle effect plays when the new weapon appears on screen. I am not sure why this is happening either. I even tried completely remaking the particle effects and it continues to happen.

I spotted something incongruent in the equip() function that I think will explain the first bug. It’s a sneaky one, so it’s understandable that you didn’t notice it. With that hint, I bet you can find it on your own (it’s good debugging practice!), but no stress, I will definitely tell you if not.

This might also inadvertently fix or change the second bug.

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MMMMM, yes, I feel dumb, didn’t catch the child.set_physics_process(false)
might have been the autocomplete, me just not thinking about it or simply not paying attention. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!

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Cheers! No need to feel dumb; I recognized it as quickly as I did because I made the same mistake myself in another project! Won’t be the last time each of us does something like that either XD

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