Execution of Editor Scripts

My solution was a bit different than the one presented in the lesson. The approach I took was like BindArraySize() but with the exception that I also Debug.Log the stringValue of the property. So there is no need to start the game. (This is how I undestood the challenge)

But i was expecting that it logs the string every frame. Like it was told in the lesson at around 5:00. Is the Editor script really part of OnGUI ? Seems like OnGUI is for GUI elements like buttons etc and not Editor scripts. Its a monobehaviour function.

What I noticed instead is that the log executes about 2-10 times when doing different actions in the unity editor while the raycaster script is visible in the inspector:

  • moving the mouse to the inspector view
  • moving it out of the inspector view
  • arbitrary clicking (on press and release) in the inspector view
  • editing a field.

Well, I do not quite understand when these scripts are actually executed and why they are executed different amount of times.

Here my solution if you like to test this:

void PrintString()
        string currentString = serializedObject.FindProperty("StringToPrint").stringValue;
        string print = EditorGUILayout.TextField("String to print", currentString);
        if (currentString != print)
            serializedObject.FindProperty("StringToPrint").stringValue = print;


You need to include UnityEngine at the top in order to use Debug.Log

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