Every project I created on Unreal Engine Crashes when I launch on Android Device

The game launch ends successfully, but when I open the game, the Unreal Engine logo appears for 2 3 seconds and then crash. Apart from this error (LogSockets: Error: Unable to read full network header), I could not find the cause of the problem, as it does not give any error. I’m sending you the logs, just in case.

**This issue is only for Redmi Go device. When I try to launch the game on the Samsung A21 device, the launch process is successful.

Looking at the specs for the Redmi Go, I’d say that it doesn’t meet the hardware requirements for an Unreal application. It looks to be a budget phone. the Samsung A21 is a decent device for its budget. The CPU itself is the same (different number of cores and clock speed aside) but the GPU is different and that is probably the cause if the issue.

Will this error go away after the game is released on the market? I especially use low performance phones so that I can come up with a game that can work on any phone.

I doubt it. Some phones just won’t be capable. The phone you mentioned only has 1GB Ram whereas the Samsung has 3GB.

If You building a release on your machine and sideloading causes a crash then it’s going to crash from the marketplace too. It could be the graphics settings in unreal and you could dial back to the lowest settings possible and try it out.

There are low performance phones like the A21 which is actually not that low and then the other one which is pretty much the most basic smart phone you can get.

You’re right, thank you so much for helping. I am very new in this field. I have many new things to learn :slight_smile:

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